Creamsicle or Dreamsicle?
Cooling off in the Shade with a Dreamsicle Smoothie!
At Common Grounds we are beating the heat with a large selection of creamy milkshakes and smoothies that will make you feel like you’re on vacation all summer long! Each week we introduce another fun icy drink for you to try! In case you are late to the party, flavors like Java Chip, Peanut Butter Slide Milkshake, Orange Dreamsicle, and Twix Frappe have been a great addition to the Frappuccino and smoothie selection already on the main menu! We have had a lot of fun trying new flavors and combinations that we think you will enjoy! This is not in any way to take away from the iced lattes and blended mochas that we so dearly love!
Our first summer at Common Grounds has given us some new experiences that we would love to share with you!
It has been a blast having KIDS in the shop! We realized with school out how much fun it is to have groups of kids coming in, playing games, and snacking on a monster cookie or milkshake! Watching families play board games and seeing groups of friends chatting has been so rewarding! What an honor to be a part of that!
“Secondly, who knew that so many vacationers and tourists go through Gridley every summer?”
Secondly, who knew that so many vacationers and tourists go through Gridley every summer? How exciting it has been to meet so many people from all across the country who have swung by the shop in hopes of breaking up their drive with a cup of coffee …and a bathroom break! Each day we get several people from different states and even different countries who are passing through our town in hopes of experiencing “small town America”. As we share with these travelers about our rural ways of life and learn about their big city ways we realize how blessed we are to be in our small town and experience the feeling of community. We have neighbors and friends everywhere we turn and are thankful for the life experiences we have enjoyed.
Lastly, we are so grateful for the amazing group of customers we have been blessed to call friends! We have learned a lot in our first 6 months and, unfortunately, that did not always happen without some stretching and growing pains. Our awesome team of employees had to experience a huge learning curve and they were so faithful and diligent to keeping our customers happy. Thank you for your continued patience as we are still working out the kinks!!! We could not have picked a better place to start a business and really appreciate all of your support!
Mention this blog post to get a free treat bag with your next purchase at the coffee shop.
Summer Hours of Operation:
Wednesday thru Friday 6am-5pm Saturday 6am-2pm
Breakfast served from 7am till we run out
Lunch served from 11am till 1:30pm
Pies, Cinnamon Rolls, Sticky Buns, Crumb Cake, Scones, Cookies & Drinks served all day!