Hot Lattes and Fireplaces
Wow! What a winter, right?!?!?!? Seriously. 100 degree temperature swings, thunder snow, freezing rain, ice for miles, freezing freezing freezing!!! But I have good news!!! Common Grounds is WARM!! Not only do we have steaming hot drinks, fresh baked warm cinnamon rolls, hot made-from-scratch soups, but we have a fireplace that is stoked and cozy! All winter long the fireplace has been running and all winter people have gathered around its glow!
This winter has had its ups and downs but the team here at Common Grounds has had a lot of fun! We are learning what it is like to be in our second year of business and man is it a lot easier! Our customers are awesome, and we aren’t just saying this because you are the ones that are reading this, you truly are so wonderful to work for! Seeing your lovely faces at 6am through the frosty windows is so encouraging. We are all in this game of life together, getting up early, running kids around, hurrying to work, meeting up with old friends, killing time between games, working through issues. So when you come in, whether you are in a good spot or going through a rough patch, we love to see you. Winters can be hard, but sharing our struggles and our joys over a cup of coffee can make it so much easier!
We are amazed at the amount of people willing to come in to the shop on blizzard like conditions to visit us! One Saturday Kyle and I came into the shop super early and debated about opening for the sake of people’s safety. We had packed extra blankets and games in case we lost power and would be staying overnight at the shop. We decided to open as usual against our better judgement as we had several loses in power and gusts of winds that knocked us off our feet. We got our own drinks made, board game set up, and a movie going on the projector and settled in for what we thought was going to be a quiet morning at the shop! To our surprise, right at 8am we had customers! We were busy all day serving drinks and soup! We never did finish our Ticket to Ride board game!
Hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for supporting your local coffee shop!
Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie on a Snowy Day